A Letter To FBI Director Christopher Wray About An Interstate Crime!

By Edward S.

Senators Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, and other public officials, took public salaries as their payment to work for all of the public in their districts. This is a fact.

Those Senators then made inside deals with Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, and Mark Zuckerberg to exclusively give, those three guys, billions of dollars of the public tax money and to cut out all of those three guys competitors in their districts. That is a fact, it provided “unjust gain” to those illicit parties and it is a crime.

On top of that, those Senators set-up construction companies, leasing companies, HR companies and other supply services which were contracted by Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, and Mark Zuckerberg. That is a fact, it provided “unjust gain” to those illicit parties and it is a crime.

On top of all of those things, those Senators were informed by the staff of Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, and Mark Zuckerberg as to which stock market funds to buy that Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, and Mark Zuckerberg were manipulating for unjust gain. That is a fact, it provided “unjust gain” to those illicit parties and it is a crime.

While those Senators were accepting these “layered bribes” and sabotaging the competitors of Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, and Mark Zuckerberg, those Senators were getting paid off in surreptitious manners by Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg and their staff. That is a fact, it provided “unjust gain” to those illicit parties and it is a crime.

These Senators did these crimes with the train contracts in California, The Post Office leases, the Department of Energy Cleantech “green cash”, The CIA and NSA contracts with Silicon Valley and many other scams. That is a fact, it provided “unjust gain” to those illicit parties and it is a crime.

The FBI has been provided with millions of pages of evidence that proves these charges to be fact. There are over 100,000 news articles, by respected reporters, which make these same assertions. That these Senators engaged in these crimes is indisputable.

When can the FBI arrest Senators Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid and Elon Musk, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg for these abuses of power and abuses of the law?

Hundreds of millions of voters would be very excited to see these arrests happen sooner than later.

Thank you.